Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Ski Trip
Ski Trip by Kieran De Klerk
On August the 15th I woke up at 6:00 am in the morning to get ready to go skiing at Porters Heights for the William Pike Challenge. Once I got to school it was 6:45am so it was time to go. I was in a car with Bradley, Aleece, Mr Harris, and Mr Coll as the driver.
On the way to Porters there was nothing really to do except to talk about things. Bradley and I entertained Aleece by annoying her so much.
After about half an hour of the journey I was really bored because, Aleece wouldn't stop talking which was making me bored out of my mind. I could have fell asleep. Finally we were in Arthur’s Pass I was so jealous because, Molly, Allie and Courtney each got a hot chocolate.
Once we arrived at porters I was so excited to go skiing I knew it was going to be so fun. There was a lot of snow on the mountains. The snow was so white it looked like ice cream, but luckily there was no yellow snow on the ski field. After waiting by a pole for about 15 minutes I finally went inside to go get my ski boots and skis. Since it was my first time skiing I never knew how tight the boots were. It felt so weird trying to walk.
Once I got out side Ms Martin told me where to go. She said to go to the beginners slope. Eventually I got to the beginners slope seeing only Jack and Ms Kemp there. Jack and I went down the beginners slope for our first time, I was nervous but excited at the same time. Even though the beginners slope wasn't that fast I didn't have my lessons yet and, I didn’t know how to stop or turn.
Once everyone had met up at the beginner slope we had to have lessons. The man who was teaching me was called Matt, and he showed us the basics of skiing. One of the things that he mainly showed us was how to turn and how to stop. Soon I got the hang of it and the lessons were over.
I skied for a little bit longer until Jayden and I stopped and had some lunch. For lunch I had a yummy bun from the ‘Do Duck In’. After lunch I went back and put my skis on. I showed Ms Kemp what I could do. I passed so she gave me the password to go to the intermediate slope, the password was “Mawhera”.
I was really scared of the intermediate slope but I went with Lochie. I crashed about 20 times out of all my goes but on my last go I got the hang of it and I didn't crash. Then I got bad news from Ms Martin... she said it was time to go, I was so sad. I took off my skis and boots and took them back to the hiring place.
Then it was time to go. Before we left Porters Aleece’s dad got us all a hot chocolate. It was so hot and I couldn't drink it because Bradley kept on making me laugh.
I was so bored and tired on the way back to Greymouth but Brendan, Bradley’s dad, had lollies but not for long, when we had some they were pretty much gone.
Finally we were in GreyMmouth. I was so tired after an amazing day I can't wait till next year skiing was so much fun, I really loved it.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Haiku writing
Peace, respect freedom
Every country needs peace
Be happy live free.
Monday, 1 August 2016
My recount
WALT write within the structure of a recount. Callaghan’s Ridge Tramp
On Friday the first of July I woke up bright and early to pack my bag for a exciting William Pike challenge.This William Pike challenge was a walk called Callaghan’s Ridge Tramp and my whole class and nine adults were gonna do this tramp up and over Callaghan’s Ridge.
Once I arrived at school I sat at my desk while l I listened to Ms Kemp give us the instructions of where to go and what we were going to do when we got there. Eventually it was time to go, I was so excited like it was Christmas. When I hopped in my adults car it was about 8:50am. On the way to Kumara which was where the walk was to start Guy put on awesome music that Sam and Reuben and I listened to.
It took about 20 minutes to get to the start of Callaghan’s Ridge Track. Once we arrived at the track the student’s waited with Ms Kemp while some adults drove their cars to the end of the track so that when we got to the end of the track we didn't have to turn round and go back other wise it would've been a 8 hour walk and 16 km long.
Finally we started the walk. Ms Kemp said that there was an extra challenge to do, there were markers along the track which were triangles and if you counted how many there were and it was the right amount you would get a cookie. Jayden and I were definitely up for the challenge for a cookie! There were a lot of people who wanted the cookie so much but not as much as Jayden and I. It was really hard to see some triangles, some were behind trees so you had to look behind you a lot. Jayden and I both found one where the tree had fallen over and the triangle was under dirt, so they were special ones.
After a while I slipped over! That was no surprise, I knew I was going to but after a while Jayden was next! Then it was Tara, then it was Fern. We were all walking by each other and we all had turns at falling. But wait, I'm forgetting someone else too, Tara’s Mum also fell over. Luckily we were all okay and no one was hurt. Jayden and I were laughing most of the time when we fell over In the end I think I fell over like six times.
Finally it was lunch time .For lunch I had a tasty banana and chips but before our group could eat we had to make an emergency shelter. My group was finished first so while we were eating we watched everyone else try their best but they didn't succeed until after a while.
After lunch I continued counting the triangles. At lunch Jayden and I were up to a lot of triangles so we had to remember our number. At the end Jayden and I counted 384 triangles. We were happy that we took up the extra challenge for the cookie. It was worth it though because we won the cookie so it was definitely worth it. I could definitely do that walk, again it is one of my favourite walks.
By Kieran
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Introducing my blog
Thursday, 23 June 2016
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