Monday, 8 May 2017

Weta workshop poem

Living in the bush              
The weta right at home
Waiting for the dark
The great ground weta
In his comfortable home
king of the insects
Five different types
A big prehistoric group   
They’re all together
in the undergrowth
hunting for fruit,leaves,flowers

His life is complete.

Poem in te reo Maori
Noho i roto i te ngahere
Ko te tika weta i te kāinga
Tatari hoki te pouri
Te weta whenua nui
I roto i tona whare whakamarie
kingi o nga pepeke
E rima ngā momo rerekē

He rōpū onamata nui
kei tahi katoa ratou
i roto i te tihi
hopu mo te hua, rau, puawai
He oti tona ora.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Kieran,
    Like your poem because you put a lot of facts into it.
    I think you should put a simile or two in.
    You some Synonyms "A big prehistoric group" you could change big into a better word like large or maybe better.
    You also need homonyms.
    - Poppy

    1. Thanks for the comment but maybe next time you could make it make sense

  3. Hey Kieran

    My name is Sylis and I am from Panmure Bridge School in Auckland. I liked your poem about wetas. I especially liked how you wrote the poem in Te Reo Maori. Next time you should add some more language features and images to show people what a Weta is. Have you ever seen a Weta before? We saw lots of them on our school camp. Does your school go on camp? Where do you go? We went to Kokako Lodge in Hunua. You can look Kokako Lodge up on google. The waterfall there is very beautiful.

    From Sylis

    1. Kia Ora

      Thanks for your comment no our class doesn't go on camp and yes I have seen a weta before and we could only use Maori because that was the language we were focusing on.


Thank you for your comment.